Sunday, 15 May 2011

Forest Hill Society

It's funny, when I moved to SE23, I rather thought the Forest Hill Society (FHS) was a bunch of old fuddy duddies - which may actually be down to the logo and the odd things I picked up from the SE23 forum (which it turns out has nothing to do with FHS).

Last year, I decided to go along to their AGM to find out a bit more. Having spoken out (on what topic I can't even remember - ah yes, may have been internet communications and blogs...), Richard Hibbert, the Chair, suggested I get involved. I was adamant I was too busy, but he has a way of getting you involved, just a bit.

The aims of the society are set out in their constitution, which roughly translates to an interest in:
- promoting public interest and civic pride
- planning
- amenities

Whilst it may sound dry, depending on your area of interest, it is quite easy to get involved and actually do something. I have limited interest in planning or transport from FH (I use HOP or Catford Bridge), but I am keen on more amenities in the area and lets face it, I love bars, restaurants and shops!! For all of these, I think SE23 has plenty of room for improvement.

So far, I have helped organise the Burns Night at the All Inn One and the Royal Wedding Party by the Old Post Office. I've really enjoyed both. If anyone else is interested, I seriously suggest getting in touch. The FHS is a broad church and really is only limited by its resource pool - ie active members.

Ironically, the bit I think I still need to work on is there internet presence (lets see if I can sort my own first eh).

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